17:02 0 comentarii

Super Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop

A couple of weeks ago Amanda (@amlight) published a few articles showing stylish posters and albums with a very retro style, very simple but at the same time really cool. The articles really inspired me so I decided to create an Abduzeedo poster for myself just to play with Illustrator and Photoshop.

So in this tutorial I will show you how to create a very cool poster in just 10 steps. We will use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, but you may use other tools. I'm working on the Pixelmator version as well.

Inspiration and Sketches

Super Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop

Step 1

After a few ideas on paper it's time to start designing it. For the base of the typography I used Illustrator. So I searched on Google Images for "Avant Garde" and select an image that had the "A" with the style I wanted. Then in Illustrator, using the Pen Tool (P) create the "A". You can hold the SHIFT key to make sure the lines are straights.

With the "A" done, select the Type Tool (T) and type the BDZ using the font Avant Garden.

Super Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop

Step 2

Select the text created and go to Type>Create Outilines. Then with the Direct Selection (A) select the vertices of the base of the Z and the move them down like the image below.

Super Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop

Step 3

Now open Photoshop and create a new document, I used A4 for the size. Then fill the Background layer with a brown (#573E2A). After that copy the text created in Illustrator and paste it in Photoshop as Shape Layer. That way we can keep playing with the vectors using the Path Selection Tool (A) and Direct Selection Tool (A).

With the Direct Selection Tool (A) move the base of the A, the straight one move all the way down until it reaches the base of the "Z" (1) and the other move all the way to the edge of the document (2). Using the Pen Tool (P) and create some points at the top of the B and make it go all the way to the top (3).

Super Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop

Step 4

With the Direct Selection Tool (A) select the B element and copy and past it in a new layer. Then with go to Layer>Layer Style>Color Overlay. Use #FC9E1D for the color.

Super Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop

Step 5

With the Lasso Tool (L) select the area below the A exactly like the image below. Then create a new layer and fill it with white. Just the selected area.

Super Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop

Step 6

Go to Layer>Layer Style>Color Overlay. Use green for the color #6F7A38 and Multiply for the Blend Mode. Then select Pattern Overlay. For the Pattern select the Graph Paper. It's under the Color Papers preset. Also increase the Scale by 300%.

Super Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop

Step 7

Now let's add some text. For the font I used Dirty Headline, you can find it at dafont.com. Place the text in the green area like the image below. Also you can add a very subtle shadow. Go to Layer>Layer Styles>Drop Shadow. I used 35% Opacity, 2 pixels for the Distance and 10 pixels for the Size.

Super Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop

Step 8

It's time to add some textures. The one I used is from Shutterstock and you can download it here http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-35221027/stock-photo-old-paper.html

Place it in your document on top of the other layers, then change the Blend Mode to Multiply. Also go to Image>Hue and Saturation and reduce the saturation so the image won't get it to yellowish.

Super Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop

Step 9

Now you may add some dirty elements using Brushes like to make the lines less uniform for example. I used some brushes from Eduardo Recife's Misprintedtype site.http://misprintedtype.com

Super Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop


In less than 10 steps we're able to create a really cool retro style poster, very stylish. The secret is simplicity, color and textures. Of course you might like it without the brushes and dirty effects, or you want to try different colors, I created 2 other versions with cold colors and also playing with a photo in the background. Now it's all about playing and testing different variations. I'll print a copy for me, and hang it on my wall. :)

Super Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop

Version 1

Super Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop

Version 2

Super Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop

Version 3

Super Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop

16:56 0 comentarii

Creating Very Cool Folded Typo

n this tutorial I will show how to create a very cool folding effect to apply on your typography using photoshop, in very easy and in a couple simple steps you can transform a simple text into a text full of folded letters to give a very cool look to it, check it out.

So the first thing we are going to do is to open a new file in Photoshop, this one is 1200 x 400 pixels, write down abduzeedo using big fonts, I just used Verdana Bold you can use any font of your choice.

For a bigger view click on the images

Now that we have the typo we are going to start working on folding the letters one by one, so starting with the A we are going to select a box around the letter “A” using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), once we have it selected, hold Ctrl + C to copy the letter and then pressCtrl + V to paste it, name the layer you pasted “A”(change the color that you want on the abduzeedo text before you copy and paste it .

We already have the letter “A” on a new layer now we are going to select the part that we want to fold it, I like to use the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) and select part of the letter that I want to fold it.

Now that we have a selection we are going to copy the selection by hitting Ctrl + C and then delete the selection on the layer “A”, paste it by hitting Ctrl + V, when you paste it note that it will be on a new layer so name that “A-fold” as you can see here.

First lets change the color of it, go to Image > Adjustment > Hue Saturation (Ctrl+U)bring the Saturation to -100 and Lightness to +60 to give a gray color so it looks like the back of the letter is folding and go to Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical (note that because we are folding from up to down, if it was side do side we would have to flip it horizontal) and then we have to Edit > Transform > Rotate and make sure we rotate the folded area exactly on the angle we want, make sure you place it right where it’s folding as you can see on the image.

Now that the folded part is on the right place we are going to make it look a little more real by adding some shadow, first hold Ctrl and click on the “A-fold” layer, that will select our folded part, now create a new layer and name it “A-fold-shadow”. Using the Gradient Tool – Linear Gradient with the color black apply it on the same angle as the top of the folding area as you can see on the image, if needed reduce the opacity of the layer so the shadow will be smooth.

Go back on the “A-fold” layer and go to Layer > Layer Style > Drop Shadow and reduce the Opacity from 75% to 25% and try to adjust the angle to be the same as the folding area, I set mine to 135, also reduce the Distance to 2px, and the rest can remain the same.

Our last step on the letter A will be to go back on the “A” layer, hold Ctrl and click on it to select the A we have, create a new layer (name it A-shade) and with the Gradient Tool – Linear Gradient with the color black apply it from the bottom up, change the layer mode to Overlay.

Our first letter is done, now we are going to repeat pretty much the same steps on each letter to get to the end with a good result. To get more organized put all the “A” layers into a folder called “A” and start working the same process on the letter B and so on.

At the end delete the text layer “abduzeedo” and you done! Hope you guys like it.

00:33 0 comentarii

Amazing Watercolor Effect in Pixelmator

In this tutorial I will show you how to create a really cool effect using some watercolor brushes mixed with photos. The image we will create is inspired by the works of Bruno Fujii, Margot Mace, Raphaël of My Dead Pony, and Stina Person.

This tutorial was originally published at Pixelmator Learn site, you can see more tutorial I wrote for them at http://www.pixelmator.com/learn/

Step 1

Open Pixelmator and create a new document; I’m using 1440×900 pixels. Then select an image for the background. The one I used can be downloaded at:http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-13035457-texture-series-old-aged-antique-parchment-manuscript-for-background-use.html. Place the image in the center of the document and then go to Edit>Transform>Scale and reduce its size to fit the page.

Step 2

Let’s add another texture. I’m using a canvas texture, and you can get it here:http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-18799315-watercolor-paper.html. Again, resize it to fit the image’s size and then change the Blending to Multiply.

Step 3

Now that we have our background done, we will add a photo of a woman that will be the model for our painting. Use the photo you want, but if you want to use the one I used, go tohttp://www.shutterstock.com/pic-26914486-amazing-jumping-girl-in-black-underwear.html.

Import the photo to your document and place it like the image below.

Step 4

Go to Layer>Add Layer Mask. Then, with a very soft brush using black as the color, start painting over the layer mask. You will be hiding some areas of the image. We need pretty much just the face for now.

Step 5

Go to Filter>Quartz Composer>Stylize>Color Pencil.

Step 6

Go to Image>Desaturate. Your image will become black and white. Then select the Brush Tool (B) and white for the color; paint over the girl’s layer mask to show some of the masked areas, especially the neck and part of the hair, exactly like the image below.

Step 7

Now let’s start painting some watercolor splatters. You can download the brush I used athttp://www.bittbox.com/freebies/free-hi-res-watercolor-photoshop-brushes-set-ii/.

Create a new layer and, using black, paint the first like the image below.

Step 8

Paint another one in a new layer. The idea is that it simulates the girl’s hair, but does so using the brushes.

Step 9

Add another one and go to Edit>Transform>Free Transform, or just Command+F. Rotate and scale the brush to match with the girl.

Step 10

The last one and we have a nice image already. But it needs some color.

Step 11

Add a new layer and fill it with the Gradient Tool (G); the one I used was the Pink/Purple one. Then select the Brush Tool (B) and, using the watercolor brushes, paint with different colors like red, orange, blue, green, and yellow. Use the image below for reference.


Change the Blending to Screen and there we go—we have a super cool watercolor effect. You can add your logo and also try a different color to see how it works. Also, if you try different blendings you will produce different results that are really cool as well.

Other Examples

Here is our example without the background image, only the canvas texture.

In this example, I changed the layer with the gradient and brush splatters to Soft Light, a much darker but really nice effect.

Here is an example using Multiply for the Blending—a really crazy result, though not my style.

This example uses only one color instead of that pretty colorful layer.

00:31 0 comentarii

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop

Following my series of tutorials on Retro effects, I will show you how to create a text effect in Photoshop based on the DVNO clip by Justice and of course some 8 and 16 bits video game opening screens. We will play basically with some basic filters like Gaussian Blur, also with Blend Modes to the light effects.

Step 1

Create a new document in Photoshop, I used 1920x1200 pixels. Then fill the background layer with a very dark brown. I used #100c03 for the color.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop

Step 2

With the Horizontal Type Tool (T) add the text you want in 2 or more lines. It's good if the words end with E or F, later on you will understand.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop

Step 3

Duplicate the layer and go to Layer>Layer Styles>Stroke. Use 4 pixels and white. Then go to Layer>Layer Style>Create Layer. A new layer will be created, but it will be with the whole word, so holding Command (MAC)/Control (PC), click over the original text to create a marquee selection. After that just make sure that you have the stroke layer selected and delete the marquee selection.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop

Step 4

Group the stroke layer and the word layer. They will be inside a folder. Then change theBlend Mode of the folder to Color Dodge. Also move the stroke layer to the top and right so, they won't be aligned, that will create a nice depth. After that go toFillter>Blur>Gaussian Blurr. For the Stroke use 1.6 for the Radius.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop

Step 5

Now for the word without stroke, go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use 5.0 for the radius. Then go to Layer>Layer Style>Inner Shadow. Use Color Dodge for the Blend Mode, -40º for the Angle, 20 pixels for the Distance, 30% for the Choke and 75 pixels for the Radius. Also you you have to change the Fill of the layer to 0%, that way you will only see the the inner shadow.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop

Step 6

Now for each text layer, the stroke and the inner shadow one, go toEdit>Transform>Warp. For the Warp select Bulge, then just move the handle to reduce the size of the bulge effect.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop

Step 7

With the Rectangle Tool (U), inside of the folder with Color Dodge, create some lines starting on the edge of the letters Es and Ls. Make sure you use white for the color. After that go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use 0.8 for the radius. Then go to Layer>Layer Styles>Outer Glow, use 75% for the Opacity, a very light yellow for the color. Then for the Size use 10 pixels and for the Range 50%.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop

Step 8

Add another layer inside the Color Dodge folder and with the Brush Tool (B), pick a small and soft brush. Then just paint some dots of light like the light was moving through the lines.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop

Step 9

Add another layer, this time not inside the Color Dodge layer, then change the Blend Mode to Screen and go to Layer>Layer Style>Color Overlay. Use blur for the color andMultiply for the Blend Mode.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop

Step 10

Go to Layer>Layer Mask>Reveal All. Then with the Brush Tool (B) use a big soft brush. With white for the color start painting over the mask layer, so the blue clouds will start appearing. Make it visible only in the center. Also, reduce the size of the brush and invert the color to erase the parts that are over the lines and text, otherwise the blue will affect the light effect.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop

Step 11

Add some flares using Brushes or stock images.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop

Step 12

Now if you want to add a space scene, you can either create it from scratch, which I have done several times in past tutorials or we can use a stock photo. I used one from Shutterstock if you want you can get it here.

Just place it in front of the other layers and change the Blend Mode to Screen. Also with the Eraser Tool (E), delete the center light of the space scene. Use the image below for reference.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop

Step 13

To create the lines I created I pattern, it's really easy, start a new document with 100x4 pixels then create a black line with 2 pixels height and a white line bellow the black with other 2 pixels height. Then just go to Edit>Define Pattern. Done.

So back to the document, just create a new layer on top of the others and with the Paint Bucket Tool (G), select Pattern for the color and use the patter you have just created. After that just go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use 1 or 2 pixels for the Radius. The last thing will be to change the Blend Mode to Color Dodge.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop

Step 14

With the Horizontal Type Tool (T) type "Press Start" using a pixel font. The one I used was Bylinear. Then just add a shadow using layer styles.

After that, press Command+Option+Shift+E on a Mac or Control+Alt+Shit+E on a PC, that will create a new layer with all the layers merged. Go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and use 10 pixels for the Radius.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop

Step 15

Change the Blend Mode of the Blurry layer to Screen and go to Layer>Layer Mask>Hide all. Again with the Brush Tool (B) and a medium size soft brush and white, paint over the flares and the dots of light. Also a little bit over the word where there's more light, that will add a nice glow to the image.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop

Step 16

Let's add some texture. I used an old paper texture I got from Shutterstock, you can download it here or you can use another one you have.

Place the image in the document and then change the Opacity to 80% and the Blend Mode to Multiply.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop


The effect is pretty much done, again it was all about playing with basic filters and blend modes. Of course you can add more elements or try different colors and angles. The idea was just to understand what elements and effects give the 80's feel to an image, or even the video-game look, like Streets of Rage, my favorite of them all. Of course the space background doesn't fit with that.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop
Click on the image for full preview

Another Example

That's why I prefer the version without the space background, it's simpler and we can drive the user attention more to the light effects of the word instead of the space scene. Again it's up to you and it's all about trying. I hope you like this tutorial and that it can be useful to you.

Amazing Video-Game Text Style in Photoshop